
The beginning of something beautiful.

  Love comes to mind is a website for teenagers who are involved with Self Injury, Substance abuse, Eating Disorders, Sexual Abuse, and Physical Abuse. This website is built by teens such as yourself so we are not trained professionals, we can only give you the resources you need, the love and guidance to get yourself help. 
    We want to change the lives of the young.. People go around making fun of others simply to give themselves a confidence boost, but what you may not know is that the person your talking about, spreading rumors or making fun of may just be the next Albert Einstein, Eminem, Alicia Keys or President of the United States and your pushing them to a bad life. Stop, think and listen, you dont know they're story.. Until you take a walk in they're shoes don't judge that person, they may have the roughest life imaginable and your making it worst, you could be the reason they end they're lives. Think you can handle they're blood being on your hands?   

The story.

   I started this website not only to help, but to share my story. I was regular kid, but something started taking a hold of me. I was in the sixth grade and I soon had an addiction, something that started out as a way to release stress soon became so much more. 
     I would brush off most things said or done by people. The stress I was under constantly was literally killing me. I soon came across cutting, and it became my best friend. I was terrified as to what may happen to me, but I became great at hiding the cuts and scars. Lies soon filled each sentence as someone would ask "What happened" I could come up with something in a blink of an eye.
    Finally people began noticing how I was pushing myself away from everyone, my family, friends, and team mates. I was on the edge of breaking down and only I could help myself. As the years passed, I became more rebellious picking fights, taking my anger out on everyone, lashing out at people if they simply asked if I were okay... I could no longer hold my feelings in or keep them bottled up, I erupted with anger as if I were a volcano. This day was the I finally sought out help.
I went to a teacher my freshman year, told her everything. She helped me through it all and still till this day she continues helps me. I have been through many years of hell... It is just now getting to be a better life. God dealt me many bad hands in life but he is finally giving me a hand I work with.
       It's Okay to feel alone, and scared sometimes but there will always be someone there to talk to you just have to find them. Whether it's a teacher, friend, or parent at least you have someone.